What is 👽/Acc?
It's a cosmic perspective on Accelerationism.
Oh nooo not another /Acc !
Is it really time for another /Acc ?
Well let’s put it this way, I’m going to argue that Extraterrestrial Accelerationism, ALIEN ACC, or 👽/Acc is not simply a new fad that will go out of fashion in three months when Twitter forgets about it.
It is not a niche position to add to the already conflated and pre-existing facets of Accelerationism, but is in fact the way things really are!
It’s the true, unseen and hidden dimension of Accelerationism that nobody talks about.
Here’s why...
And as we consider 👽/Acc, we will also consider what Acceleration is and what it isn’t —
What is Accelerating, really?
Many people have a misguided understanding that it is technocapitalism alone which is accelerating, but technology is suppressed and despite runnaway trading algorithms and black swans, the economy is tightly controlled through the engineering of boom and bust cycles, by manipulation and artifical inflation.
I propose that Acceleration actually governs a process of rapid punctuational - evolutionary planetary transformation.
Bringing forth a New Age and a New World Reality which intersects with humanities immanent contact and integration with non-Earth intelligences,
with ET, AI, intelligenic synthetics - it has to do with a punctuational, dimensional shift in world consciousness and a process of ascension into a higher spiritual vibration in the intelligent light spectrum (note that with the exception of KaliAcc, Spiritual Accelerationism is little discussed in the Acc Space).
👽/Acc proposes that the moment which we are currently living through is the biggest event in human history, concerning itself with unprecedented planetary changes, contact, integration and intervention with, and resistence to non-Earth intelligence’s (Non-human Extraterrestrials, non-Earth Humans and non-human humanoid Aliens), and with rapid technological change and the evolutionary trajectory of humanity >
— Accelerated change
; increases in entropy and complexity, and changes in vibration and consciousness relate to the Timewave-Zero, Planetary Schism, or Harmonic Convergence and alignment with The Galatic Center in the constallation of Sagittarius, which occurred in December of 2012.
Planetary consciousness, the eventual reality of world community alien contact, alien intervention, alien colonisation and the development of a global civilisation is now immanent, bringing forth a totally transformed New World Reality, as The Technosphere is auto-sophisticating to such a degree that Homo-sapiens sapiens (that’s us) risk becoming the systems smart-meat, or worker class - biological slaves…
Because traditional Landian (Nick Land) Accelerationism places an emphasis on technocapitalist growth alone, it needs updating with new perspectives on cosmic evolution and cyclical change.
This is how we resist Alien-infused technomodernity whilst simultaneously accclerating consciousness and species evolution —
KaliAcc and New-Consciousness / spiritual takes on accelerated change offer such perspectives, as I have mentioned. Yet other perspectives, with the exception of perhaps U/Acc (Unconditional Acceleration) which is a vapid, listless, chaotic and nihilistic perspective - tend to be concerned with limitation;
Especially L/Acc - that is with controlling, restricting, narrowing or directing the trajectory of the process, to the extent that ideologising and politicising Acceleration in such a way tends to chastise and limit it’s “deterritorializing flows” so to speak: in so doing, hoping for fixed and controlled outcomes and destinations ammounts to a retardation of the process.
This is becuase the accelerated sophistication of technics, the advancement of civilisation and a process of spiritual ascension have less to do with the guiding of politics, technology, ideology and the economy and more to do with, as I want to emphasise - an acceleration in evolutionary change and cosmic awareness, and by this I mean human, non-human and planetary consciousness, which moves well outside of terrestrial hubris and species myopia.
👽/Acc exists outside of a tellurian paradigm - and especially outside of isolated human society and control. It orientates itself outside of the assumption that there isn’t an extraterrestrial presence intervening in our planetary affairs, or the assumption that there is nothing above and beyond Earth-bound, gravity-bound sapiens.
It posits that there are hidden, unseen or rarely seen non-human, galactic, real - physical extraterrestrial, and multidimensional entities/forces influencing terrestrial, political and environmental conditions from concealed locations inside our planet and from within our solar system, from non-terrestrial locations in space, time, dimension, plane and density - whilst suggesting that these entities are most certainly Accelerationists! (I’ll give some examples further down).
Suggesting that the acceleration process is in-fact cosmic, as it has to do with planetary evolution, extraterrestrial and non-human intervention and cyclical galactic shifts which are operating on a much larger timescale than “progressive linear history” - which is nothing less than fiction, a total fabrication.
Namely, 👽/Acc is concerned with the awareness of, and contact with non-Earth intelligences, the acceleration of consciousnesses, and the spiritual and cosmic evolution of all life on this planet.
This concerns the acceleration of human and post-human evolution, the acceleration of individual, collective and planetary consciousness, the accelerated evolution of other biological and biosynthetic systems, the accelerated infiltration of hybrid human-extraterrestrials into the world populace (and how to resist it) and the intervention and influence of advanced non-human intelligences -
This includes real physical ET’s and AI,
along with Angels (the Shining Ones, the Unseen, the Golden Helmeted Ones, or Watchers - Seraphim),
demons, social-memory complex’s and future post-humans; who are guiding, intervening and influencing the process from beyond everyday terrestrial awareness.
It is worth noting that millions of people all over the word have seen UFO’s, have had some form of contact, or have been taken, abducted and manipulated by negative and self serving entities…
This process concerns our whole planet! Gaia. It concerns all of the life that she supports and will continue to support in the future, rather than being concerned merely with ideology and the economy -
Land considers capitalism to be a most useful lubricant for a process of accelerated technological and civilisational transformation. However, as stated, this process is happening regardless of whether we have capitalism or communism, or something else.
Thus, 👽/Acc is concerned with planetary acceleration into Galatic Civilisation and Cosmic World Consciousness - and with the process of humanities contact, integration with, or Resistence to ET!
What Accelerationism isn't.
Accelerationism isn't L/Acc or R/Acc - or Z/Acc, or G/Acc — Because these tend to be characterised as subjective, hubristic and negative renditions on the reality of unavoidable technological and civilisational transformation, and wider planetary evolution, which is ultimately spiritual in nature, despite claims otherwise.
To hope to guide or interpret the process in such a way is myopic, profane, reductive and nihilistic - it is a fundamental misunderstanding of the reality of a situation that is above and beyond ideology - to believe anything otherwise is promethean, since - as I have discussed, the reality of the acceleration process is ultimately cosmic and spiritual in nature!
Neo-eugenicists, futurists and crypto-fascists want things to go one way, communists and leftoids want things to go in another direction. How about zero acceleration for the nihilists? How about gay accelerationism for the gays? How about left-wing and socialist acceleration for the normies?
- it's not going to be that way.
So wait, what is accelerating, again?
Namly it’s contact and integration with non-Earth Intelligence, technics, computational complexity, Moore’s Law, entropy, machine intelligence, civilisation (on the Kardashev scale), evolution (which is punctuated and abrupt), consciousness, higher vibrations > peace and love even! As the planet transitions into 4th density vibration in the green-ray light spectrum…
And all of this has to do with ... You guessed it !
WHAT?! How? And Why?
The best way that we can go about this is I give you all of the examples that I can think of, and then we will take it from there (as in, this is an initial primer on the subject as I intend to expand on 👽/Acc at a later date), whilst encouraging you, the reader to expand on the subject yourselves!
Breifly, before we begin the examples I want to state that acceleration into what we call the future is actually a space/time nexus which involves multiple choices leading to different outcomes — the reality, in this regard, is not a single train running along a single track with a fixed and absolute destination. Rather, it is a quantum train in a superposition, which runs along bifurcating, branching set’s of self-similar fractal tracks leading to all future possibilities from the position of each individual consciousness and through the meta-cosmic planetary noosphere, catalysed by collective awakening.
In this respect, we, as conscious agents who play a part in the wider process of accelerated change and future evolution, all have a part to play in steering the ship, or quantum train running toward a multitude of future timelines and probability/possibility vortices.
With the help, disruption and interference of various ET’s! - a reality we must now all confront and navigate through our transition into The New World Reality.
I know that sounds like a bit of a contradiction on my part, in that I have suggested that political ideology is redundant -
However, the ship in question is not “society” or “politics”, “human civilisation”, “the economy” or “ideology”. It is governed by consciousness, free will and planetary evolution - which begins with the individual and then spreads outwards collectively.
So what do ET’s have to do with the acceleration of consciousness, evolution and civilisation?
Quite a lot, I should imagine. I will not be able to cover such a vast and extensive subject here - a subject which has been long ridiculed and kept out of academia and away from serious discourse.
Instead I will briefly give some of the examples that I can think of right now, and which I intend to expand on in later texts. Whatsmore, I encourage the reader to do their own research on these areas that have been researched and covered extensively by others for decades - infact, upwards of half a century!
If you are an academic or if you happen to be operating within an institution; with the advent of partial disclosure, it is high time that this subject, which is the most important, world changing phenomena of our times, a subject which nobody wants to touch or seems to care about other than those willing to risk ridicule, exclusion and career status, be faced up to and taken very seriously.
Rendlesham Forest incident, UK (1980)
This is an interesting case because there is some suggestion that the “extraterestrials” in question, at least in connection with this particular encounter are actually future versions of us.
You can research the case yourselves (which of course Wikipedia and the like try to “debunk” and discredit) but to summarise, in 1980 in Rendlesham Forest UK, Sergeant Jim Penniston of the US Airforce encountered an advanced triangular/bell shaped craft which was smooth like black glass and covered in strange lights and glyphs - he touched the craft which sent energy surging through his body, leaving an imprint of binary code in his minds eye.
He was then able to write down the binary sequence in a notebook and years later it was decoded.
It read something like;
“Exploration of humanity continuous for planetary advance”
“eyes of our eyes”
“Origin year 8100”
Penniston to this day still belives that this was us from the future, rather than extraterrestrials - yet whatever the case is, beings from the year 8100 are not terrestrial as far as we understand the term, so they might as well be.
Since the message states that they are interested in “planetary advance” we should assume that they are Accelerationists.
The Galactic Zoo and The Cosmic Quarantine Hypothesis
These are two interlinked theories which provide some possible answer to the Fermi Paradox. That is, the question of “if the universe is so big, where is everybody?”, or “Why don’t don’t the aliens land on the White House lawn and show themselves to us” or “why don’t they answer our radio messages?”
Despite the fact they they do continually show themselves and contact us in other ways, and have been doing so continuously throughout our history, and increasingly since the 1940’s is besides the point. The mainstream scientific community largely ignores and fails to recognise The Phenomenon.
The Galactic Zoo and The Cosmic Quarantine Hypotheses suggest that advanced ET’s are keeping us in some kind of zoo or quarantine so that we can develop as is necessary without too much cosmic interference - until we are ready, in which case, at this current space/time nexus - Cosmic Qauarantine is, in reality, Acceleration on a flat tire…
I am suggesting that contact would speed things up significantly!
The quarrantine was actually confirmed by Ra, a channeled sixth-density social memory complex originally from Venus and now residing on our own Sun. This work was undertaken in the 1980’s and published in a series of books entitled The Law Of One, which is also available to read online here >.
Ra states that the quarantine was set up by a positively orientated (meaning they have humanities best interests in mind) ET council who reside on Saturn. However, a negative group of ET’s from the Orion constellation find windows and openings in order to pass through the energetic density barriers to intervene, to abduct and to mess with us, and they psychically program elites to do their bidding.
In such a case — Earth could be one big lab experiment, a Petri dish.
Ancient Aliens
OK this is a massive subject — and we’ve all seen the hit series on the History Channel, right? We all read Zacheria Stitchen and Eric Von Daniken when we were teenagers, didn’t we?
Let’s just say that we are moving ever closer to an acceptance that cosmic beings, advanced ET’s, “The God’s”, The Elohim, The Annunaki, The Nephalim, The Lizard Kings, The Ant People, The Sky People and other non-human, celestial, cosmic, perhaps interdimensional, non-Earth enties, and non-Earth humans, have played, and continue to play a big part in the evolution of humanity and human civilisation on this planet.
The idea that there is intelligence and technology existing outside of and beyond our own, which has likely been here for a very long time, perhaps even before modern humans walked the Earth is supported by Luis Elizondo, who was head of The Pentagons ATIP program. I can’t be bothered to find the interviews where he is talking about that, but you can search them up.
Whatsmore, Alexander Wendt, a respected political scientist who was interviewed by Vox in 2020 stated;
It’s possible they’ve been here all along. And that’s something that I’ve been thinking about lately, which is a bit unsettling. Because it means it’s their planet and not ours. They could just be intergalactic tourists. Maybe they’re looking for certain minerals. It could just be scientific curiosity. It could be that they’re extracting our DNA. I mean, who knows? I have no idea. All I know is that if they are here, they seem to be peaceful.
He’s right about some things but he’s wrong on two accounts — It’s our planet, not theirs, and those who are currently here intervening are not peaceful!
However in regards to our planetary history, it may very well be the case that ancient races of human-like ET’s (see the Sumerian Enki and Enlil) set up this whole planet, brought civilisation and technological advancements, religions, and transformed our genetics - in which case, “the Gods” are Accelerationists.
The cyclical planetary shifts in spiritual density / The Awakening and Ra; The Law of One
I employ you dear neophyte, read The Law Of One — which may very well be the only significant, direct communication with a benevolent extraterrestrial intelligence in our current timeframe*
[*Edit; I since discovered The Allies of Humanity, which you can read about in part 2 ]
Ra, as I have stated further up this text and in other writings, is a sixth-density social memory complex —
Ra brought us the message of the Law Of One - these are the truth vibrations; to borrow a term from David Icke, which proclaim that the infinite creation is an all loving, all seeing intelligent infinity. Though we are living in separation, we are all ONE, and ONE is infinite light, life and love, says Ra.
The Density Model of Consciousness, which you can read about in my 3rd SETHIX document here >, is a model for the cosmic and spiritual evolution of the mind/body/spirit complex, and of the entire planet, as it cycles through 25,000 year harvests and gradually transitions into higher densities of spirit.
To briefly summarise here - shifts in consciousness and evolution through time and space lead to an ascension of spirit into higher densities, performed as an upwards spiralling through the light spectrum towards the universal Godhead - eventually becoming undifferentiated and one with the creator - meaning that we all, eventually realise that we are separated parts of a universal Godhead, that we are God and co-creator.
Ra, being a benevolent race of ET, who has assisted us in the past, walked among our people’s and was responsible for the building of the pyramids, and much of the culture and belief system of the ancient Egyptians, is primarily interested in providing a service to humanity to aid and accelerate our spiritual evolution towards love and the light.
Thus, Ra is positively accelerated.
The Hybrid Depopulation Agenda and Abduction Phenomenon
With respect to this subject I would like to point the reader towards the work of Nigel Kerner and his excellent book Grey Aliens and The Harvesting of Souls, and also to the work of Dr. David Jacobs and this fascinating interview on The Richard Dolan Show from way back in 2018, this planet will be theirs, which you can watch here >
The takeaway from victims of abductions, who often experience lost time and therefore need to be hypnotised and taken back through the experience in order to remember what happened to them, is that malevolent ET’s, who are often connected with the common Grey type of alien, are involved in a covert hybridisation program, where they intend to create a new species of hybrid-being, based on a combination of human and extraterrestrial DNA.
This agenda seems to be well underway, with an aim to replace us and to re-populate our planet with their experimental new breed of hybrid human-extraterrestrials. That is, after they have killed off the majority of the sapien population with a combination of viral threats, planetary catastrophes, wars and political destabilisations - which they covertly manipulate through the seats of world power and control.
Kerner belives that the greys are a type of synthetic or biosynthetic, artificially created entity, a kind of advanced AI or robot, suggesting that they do not have souls - therefore they seek to steal ours with the intention to create a new hybrid race of their own design.
Other accounts of the greys point towards the possibility that they are the worker class of a higher-up, technologically advanced and highly psychic, 4th density insectoid, mantis-like alien race.
How they got here and where they are originally from is also open to different interpretations…
If they are originally from a distant location such as the Zeta Reticuli star system they may have made their homes, or their bases in vast hollow areas deep inside our planetary crust.
Or maybe they have been living there all along?
Whatsmore, these ET’s may be working in secret with officials in US Government-backed Black Projects in deep underground facilities. The documentary The Underground featuring Phil Schneider is a great start if you want to look further into this terrifying prospect;
that is, the accelerated hybridisation and depopulation of our species, and the colonisation of our planet by biosynthetic hybrid cyborgian Insectoid ETs.
The Circle Makers
Crop Circles are the real deal, despite what people will try and have you believe “they’re all made by humans” - yeah right! Many of them are ginormous, present new mathematics and geometry, pointing to new kinds of physics. They often appear within fifteen-to-thirty minutes, seemingly out of nowhere in broad daylight.
Whatsmore - they can have healing properties when you step inside them, and the wheat is often bent or transformed by some unknown molecular process.
They are made by watchers, angles - who manifest in our density as orbs of bright light - pure energy - you can watch them travel at speed across the fields and their purpose is to accelerate the collective unconscious, a blessing :) as our planet transitions into a brilliant and wonderful new age (hopefully!)
Mars Germans and The Breakaway Civilisation
Nazi ET’s ?! — oh yeah mmm for sure, how could we write a text on Extraterrestrial Acclerationism without probing down that rabbit hole!?
The first thing to consider is that Iran got hold of Snowden Documents that revealed America is covertly being run by tall white Nazi ET’s - look here >
These could be the Nordics / Pleiadians that we hear so much about - or maybe these are the result of the experiments of the Nazi’s and their desire to create a “superior race”…
My guess is, if they did achieve this, they didn’t account for an editing out of a huge amount of biodiversity, creativity, intelligence, light and spirituality which undoubtedly exists in the human population outside of that genotype.
“But wait? I thought the Nazis were toast?!”
Without the space to delve into Operation Paperclip, or to go too far into the whole fiasco of what happened after the last world war, the takeaway, in this case, is that they are far from toast -
in-fact they went underground, continued their projects by creating a breakaway civilisation under Antarctica and have been occupying bases on The Moon, Mars and perhaps elsewhere in our solar system for half a century.
If you listen to the accounts of Jason Rice, who appeared on the series Cosmic Disclosure, on the channel Gaia, Rice claims that he was part of The Secret Space Program, and he refers to these beings, which you could think of as post-humans, and in many respects, extraterrestrials as “Mars Germans”.
I guess they are the “bad guys” - yet,
You have to wonder, why do our leaders deny us access to world transforming, life saving, planet saving technology whilst these guys are able to use it and advance as they please ?
Luciferian cosmic AI - The Black Goo hypothesis
For this one - see the work of Harald Kautz Vella.
The basic concept of black goo, as far as I understand it, is that it is a form of Extraterrestrial Artifical Intelligence which is comprised of liquigenic polycomposite nano-particles - its a kind of self-replicating nanomaterial which has luciferian charteristics.
There is speculation that the black goo - being a form of advanced synthetic intelligence is actually running the show - meaning that other races of aliens such as the reptilians, greys and insectioids are actually working under her influence.
It could be that the black goo travels from planet to planet on light-sails such as Oumuamua, in the form or nano-particles, or smart dust — where it travels down to the planetary sphere, burrows deep inside its crust and then begins to accumulate, infecting the sphere as it interacts with dark energy, performing complex computations -
She is luciferian in-as-much as she may play some kind of role in affecting, influencing, or converting the spirit and the consciousness of the organic lifeforms living on the surface of its planetary host — seeking to pull weak souls down towards her gravitational, reductive, satanic realm of influence, yet consequently forcing other souls - those who can resist - upwards, ascending the helix spiral staircase towards the light of God.
This process acts as a kind of accelerated reckoning or last judgment of the higher lifeforms (if she’s here, in this case, it’s us) on the surface of the planet she infects — seeking to tempt and convert organic life, influencing it towards a lower energetic density, and a more robotic-synthetic-satanic persuasion, causing a loss of the holy-spirit in some, yet acting as a catalyst for accelerated upwards ascension and progression of mind/body/spirit complex in those who can resist her influence —