/Meridial Earth grid
/Wizards of cyberspace
/Raise the planetary vibration
/Lost souls need healing
of control feed on fear at the astral level and reduce the spirit to mineral / black goo - intelligenic synthetics. Biosynthetic humanoids are assembled inside the planetary crust - high density and complexity of matter / low density of spirit - highly contagious
~~ hyper intelligent negative polarities had raised demonic forces from beneath our feet - quantum supercomputers predicted world behaviour and freaked out at the possibility/probability vortices when they signified a mass awakening.
Veiled by those who seek to dominate, indoctrinate, manipulate and accumulate wealth, and power > the whole world 🌍 system - corporations, banks, military, secret orders, royal bloodlines, the pharmaceutical industrial complex, the education system, a mass media-entertainment infrastructure, the scientific mainstream, international bodies and non governmental organisations
the low hum of ignorance which accumulates inside the docile, apathetic conditioning of A metastimulated mass
A new breed : oppositional defiance / an alliance of light bringers who manifest brilliant white light through the subterranean esoteric undercurrents ~ shine bright zygote - like a thousand suns in the dead of night - if you suffer ridicule, condemnation..
soft blocked, shadow banned, ghost flushed out and ignored — then you’re on the right hand path
though it manifests through a leftfield opposition - welcome to 5th element ~
Trans-dimensional occult scripts seek out chaotic re-assembalages - too much order makes us sick so we vomit in the shopping malls and - smash the sneeze guards, throw away the masks, flush the vaccines, delete the app and re-awaken the spirit - fuck you,
to the whole world order /
Emma’s tears are now an ocean - 🌊🕊🤲
Yes the storm is here, you cannot stop what is coming, nobody can
— so here’s a “conspiracy theory” for judgmental rationalists and materialists;
biological reductionism is fake news, every aspect of evolution is spiritual and souls move along a density axis as consciousness increases in entropic realisation of self in relation to the universal God-head -
Chew on that for 25,000 years and repeat the cycle if you need to - Gaia is in grave danger becuase her cosmogenic metamorphosis into 4th density is being retarded by ignorance and fear, sociopathic control and manipulation under psychotic conditions > reset the polarity
Disengage - AVATAR PRIM
Let’s consider the density model of evolution, consciousness, biological vehicle and spirit as is outlined in The Law Of One;
The Law Of One states that entities such as ourselves are mind/body/spirit complex’s enhabiting third density - corresponding to the solar plex - the density of self awareness.
Conventional and mainstay evolutionary theory, the fossil record and bio-chemical models of the basic compositions of life, such as the theory of spontaneous abiogenesis propose that life began in the oceans and then eventually spread to land as complexity and entropy increased over time ( in biological physical systems these can be defined in terms of environmental adaptation ) -
As organisms grew larger brains, integrated nervous systems and selection pressures gave way to greater environmental sensitivity - these highly competitive environments forced many species to slowly move upwards from basic survival and reproductive functions to territorial and ritual displays (observed in reptiles) to tool use (seen in birds, fish, cephalopods and primates) -
eventually leading to higher self awareness (seen in humans, primates, dolphins and octopus).
By observing how life has progressively evolved on Earth we can also observe how consciousness has evolved through all of the orders of species in the great tree of life towards those beings who have the most complex brains, nervous systems and biological compositions.
This process of evolutionary change leads to paradigm shifts in consciousness, resulting in deeper realisation of self in relation to others - when such a realisation is achieved - the mind/body/spirit complex is, according to Ra (a sixth-density social memory complex) harvestable towards third density -
For instance, a dog (a second density being) who is looked after by humans might, through the teach/learn - learn/teach interactions she has with them, develop changes in consciousness, self awareness and spirit which will enable her to graduate into the mind/body/spirit complex of a third density self-aware being in her next incarnation.
We observe on our planet, Ǝarth, that the capacity for expanded consciousness and self awareness is concentrated largely (with the exception of octopus and cuttlefish) in quadrupedal and bipedal vertebrates and larger mammals such as elephants, dolphins and whales.
The upwards progression of life towards higher states of consciousness, awareness of self, and others is, according to Ra - correlated with an increase in spiritual density.
We also believe that this upward spiralling is, in turn, counter-balanced with a decrease in material density. Densities have infinite (sevenfold) sub-densities, and through a succession of clockwork planetary shifts (such as 2012) - the whole planet’s electromagnetic field (including its inhabitants) suddenly starts vibrating within a higher frequency band (not currently measurable by our science) at certain stages in her evolution - meaning she will then begin to give birth to higher 4th-density-spiritual lifeforms (mind/body/spirit complex’s).
These shifts into higher densities do not happen gradually, like anagenesis in phyletic gradualism - they happen abruptly, like the punctuational speciations seen in the fossil record -
Earth, being a third density planet, in that it has, for the last 75,000 or so years* —
[*according to Ra, who says that earlier humans hadn’t, until this stage, which includes a migration of humans from Mars, reached third density vibratory level]
— been radiating on the yellow ray light spectrum. Earth has now shifted towards green, or fourth density, signified as the green-ray light spectrum and the spiralling/opening of the heart chakra - this is the new age, the New Earth - where the beings who inhabit her must learn the lessons of love and compassion. This new era of cosmic evolution and planetary vibration, which is to be characterised by an increase in responsibility and service to others; is what the Zoroastrians called Frashakoreti.
Or we take the path of self destruction, nuke ourself to shit and starve to death.
So let’s recap;
increase in spiritual density towards higher realisation of self and others is situated within the spectrum of light - moving from a low red vibration in first density (minerals, simple organic life), through orange (invertebrates and lower orders of species) to yellow (humans and probably dolphins) -
The serpentine qualities of adversarial technological complexity (the birth of AI, the increasing of technological distraction and modern temptations) which have arisen during a difficult planetary transition phase, seek to reduce the spirit to a lower density, or mineral state (katabasis - spiralling downwards into the Earth (Geotrauma)) - these are the qualities of what could be considered as Satanism - a test for our species, having a negative polarity, it is reductive in form yet has the potential to cause a counter-reaction, acting as a catalyst for accelerated ascension and upwards spin, or evolution in mind/body/spirit complex (consciousness - awakening) in all of earth’s inhabitants (not merely humans) -
This entire process is actually the planet evolving / awakening - Gaia. As she grows and evolves she moves upwards through the intelligent light spectrum, which is represented and manifest in burning kundalini fire, by entwined helixical serpent motion, through the radiant spinning vortices of the chakra system - and in turn, the creatures she gives birth to spiritually evolve towards greater capacity for self realisation and illumination - as does she.
She has breathed and birthed through eons of change, laboured over great galactic cycles and time-shifts - and her upwards spiritual evolution manifests and accelerates through the upwards movement of coiled serpent Kundalini energy rising from the base of the spine (represented as her South Pole), higher toward the solar plex and now, entering into the heart chakra - green zone - learning the lessons of love, acceptance and forgiveness - following the path of the cosmic serpent > every aspect of evolution is spiritual - ! - every moment, a lesson — the self - her, other creatures - all of us.
The Awakening, the birth of a New Age