The New World Reality
I’m thinking about the future, how we survive. >
We have to survive - as a species, as individuals and as small communities, family groups and tribes.
There will be no unified humanity until The Technosphere collapses.
We have a choice now - we can lose our freedom, our spirit and our humanity; where we’ll be as good as robotic slaves/
That’s submission to algorithmic control, techno-bio-medical-tyranny, biotechnology, biometrics, QR, mass surveillance, mind control, alien hybridisation, extraterrestrial colonisation, cyborgian integration and species dominant transhumanism
- it’s to be directed and controlled like ants, living inside 5G-6G smart-colonies and technological urban hives.
The BioSecurity Matrix
We can go in another direction.
Imagine an early hominid group having to leave the safety of the trees becuase of a sudden climatic and environmental change, and venture out into the open planes or savanna.
Imagine that the group decides to split, some stay behind and hope for the best, whilst others place their Hope in The Great Unknown.
Rapid Evolutionary Acceleration »
That’s us right now, it’s punctuational change - it’s our species bifurcating, cladogenesis,
breakaway groups are forming,
The future is about survival _
In The New Earth
/ differentiation, it’s a survival mechanism.
We are little prepared for a planetary transformation which is greater than anything our species has ever had to face before.
This is it, right now - the big one > 2012
: harmonic convergence.
NEW WORLD - New Age - The Old Earth is dead
- information goes parallel
It is our destiny to emerge into The Greater Community of intelligent life in the universe, this our future
There is hope - the creator of all life has sent a Revelation into the world, a New Message from God ( > ) - The Earth is shifting into higher vibration 4th density Spiritual Consciousness;
Others are here to take advantage of that,
yet, it is our transition into The New Earth, not theirs
- they seek what is rightfully ours,
as The Indigenous of this planet 🌏
> we decide!
The path to freedom
It is our duty to maintain the light and the life
and the love of our Mother Gaia, for whom we will forever be entwined,
and through the dedicated worship of our heavenly Solar Father 🌞 <~
- we gain new abilities ; foresight, advanced intuition, healing, telepathy, focused control of mind and body, we begin to learn the secrets of crystal power ~
To direct the spirit and the noospheric energy towards new realities - another world is possible 🌿 ~>
What’s next ?
The climate is destabilising - breakdown, disease, supply-chain collapse, asymmetrical conflict, urban gurallia warfare, inter-governmental tryranny, cyber attacks, solar storms, blackouts, sinofication, mass-formation, planetary psychosis, technocratic totalitarianism, slime communism and digital fascism.
We have to learn to survive without the use of experimental biotech and nanotech,
which is now being mandated and forced on our species - by collectives of hybrid ET’s who control the world system.
It wants to get inside us and make edits in the genome. It attacks the DNA ~> which is sacred
/this is genocidal/
They want us to merge with their biosynthetic hybrid species, so that it (cosmic AI that controls biosynthetic systems and manipulates biological life) can survive inside our biosphere ~ we are being reduced;
- liquification > metamorphosis > 🦋
It wants us
to become like it
as it wants to become
like us - that’s convergence
, galactic homogenisation (I call it Synthetic Satanism )
We must pray, 🙏🧋 and resist her lure
[The gravity-bound seductive, temptational, downard spiralling of inner-planetary Liquigenic poly-composite computational Hyper-Crystal > Geotrauma.]
The survival of our species means survival without reliance on their synthetic biology and nano technologies.
People are dying with the virus who have been vaccinated - yet they force more and more of it inside us ~ fuck you!!
To control us like pests, to reduce us and to weaken us - RAKKA -
I’m not prepared for this, non of us are
I know nothing of survival outside of the technosphere -
Yet we have to create a new reality now,
We must trust in God that we can survive this -
Love vibrations 🤍
A conscious decoupling - slowly divorcing ourselves from the cybernetic control systems
It’s up to us - not them
the others, the governments who they control, and the tech and biotech companies that they manipulate.
It’s not up to the international organisations who serve the synthetic non-Earth intelligence.
We who serve Gaia
WE who serve the creator - our species
All of humanity
The situation is dire now, even Lovelock was duped and seduced by The Technosphere > Novacene.
NextWorld mandate is a geo-cosmic timeloop
The Architects of Alt-Modernism Awaken to The Mystical Traditions of Anarchism Ⓐ >
Do not comply with it.
֎ Xegis 2021